
Patent Earth Blog

The Dog Diving Helmet - Funny Patents Part 4

The Dog Diving Helmet - Funny Patents Part 4

We all love our pets, and naturally we want to take them with us everywhere we go. But where do you draw the line? Most people would probably draw it somewhere on dry land... but there's always an exception!People love to bring their pets along for the ride, and this is especially true for dogs. We live in an age of dedicated dog parks, doggy daycares and dog friendly restaurants. But there are limits, of course. Most people wouldn't take their dogs to work, for example (but some do).So whe …
Mar 7th 2023
A Brief History of the Bicycle

A Brief History of the Bicycle

Bicycles are a wonder of modern technology, persisting to this day despite there being many other more efficient means of transport. While being fun and easy to use are its main appeal, the bicycle also sports a long history of innovation and evolution that brought it to where it is today.One thing that makes bicycles so special is that they represent not only the evolution of technology, but also the evolution of human skill. While much technology is created to make life simpler and easier, fe …
Mar 14th 2018