
Patent Earth Blog

Henry Ford: Automotive Visionary

Henry Ford: Automotive Visionary

Henry Ford was one of the pioneers of the automotive industry. Even today, 120 years after it was founded, Ford Motor Company remains one of the worlds largest car manufacturers. While Henry Ford would go on to leave a controversial legacy, there is no doubting the impact he had on the modern world. Considered one of the fathers of the automobile industry, Henry Ford's legacy is something most people are at least somewhat familiar with. That said, there's still a lot about this titan of indus …
Mar 19th 2023
The Rise of the Elevator

The Rise of the Elevator

For many people, elevators are one of those parts of everyday life that you just don't think about. They get in, push a button, get off and go about their day without giving it a second thought. But elevators at not only mechanically fascinating, they have also played a major role in shaping our modern day society.Getting Into Elevators Elevators are an integral part of the modern world, so much so that most don't think twice about using one throughout the day. However, these seemingly mundan …
Mar 12th 2023
George Westinghouse: Inventor and Industrial Visionary

George Westinghouse: Inventor and Industrial Visionary

George Westinghouse was a famous and influential inventor and visionary. Though typically discussed in relation to his rival, Thomas Edison, Westinghouse's own contributions to the railway and electrical technology make him far more than a bit player in the legacy of industrial America. Let's explore George Westinghouse's life, accomplishments and legacy to detail just how critical he was in making the world what it is today.Humble Beginnings George Westinghouse Jr. was born in 1846 as the eigh …
Feb 16th 2020
Thomas Edison's Life and Legacy

Thomas Edison's Life and Legacy

Thomas Edison is one of the most industrious men to have ever lived in the United States. Widely regarded as the greatest American inventor of all time, his claim to fame as one of the fathers of electricity has cemented his place in history. There's a lot more to Edison than just having perfected the light bulb, however. Let's explore the life and legacy of Thomas Edison to learn more about this great mind.Early YearsThomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. His parents were S …
Feb 12th 2020
The Life and Works of Nikola Tesla

The Life and Works of Nikola Tesla

When making a list of history's smartest people, Nikola Tesla occupies a well-earned space near the top. One of the leading minds of the 19th and early 20th century, Tesla revolutionized electricity as we knew it and paved the way for much of the modern world's gadgetry and appliances.However, Telsa didn't get this way overnight. Like with many prolific people, the story of Nikola Tesla is a long and winding affair filled with eccentricity and intrigue. To better understand this complex man and …
Feb 8th 2020
A Brief History of the Bicycle

A Brief History of the Bicycle

Bicycles are a wonder of modern technology, persisting to this day despite there being many other more efficient means of transport. While being fun and easy to use are its main appeal, the bicycle also sports a long history of innovation and evolution that brought it to where it is today.One thing that makes bicycles so special is that they represent not only the evolution of technology, but also the evolution of human skill. While much technology is created to make life simpler and easier, fe …
Mar 14th 2018
History of the Scalpel: The Original Surgical Instrument

History of the Scalpel: The Original Surgical Instrument

It is widely accepted that crude blades made from stone were among the first tools to be developed & used by mankind. So it comes as no surprise that the first surgical instrument would be a variation of the blade, that fundamental tool which found ubiquitous use in so many of man's earliest activities such as hunting, preparing food, making art, crafting other tools and of course our earliest attempts at medicine & surgery.The Scalpel in Ancient TimesThe modern word "scalpel" is derived from t …
Oct 1st 2017